ยอดวิว 26


안녕하세요! 오늘은 들국화를 그려봤습니다.

어느 날 엄마와 산에 오르던 중 싱그러운 향이 나서 따라가 보니 들국화가 피어 있더라고요. 저는 그날 처음 들국화를 보았는데, 엄마 말씀으로는 예전에는 길거리에서도 쉽게 볼 수 있었고, 향이 아주 진한 꽃이라고 하셨어요.

정말 향이 깊고 매력적인 꽃이더라고요. 요즘은 자주 볼 수 없어 아쉬운 마음이 듭니다.

Hello! Today, I drew wild chrysanthemums.

One day, while hiking up a mountain with my mom, I noticed a refreshing fragrance in the air and followed it to find wild chrysanthemums blooming. It was my first time seeing them, but my mom said that in the past, they were commonly found along roadsides and were known for their strong fragrance.

Their scent is truly rich and captivating. It’s a bit sad that they’re not as easy to find these days.

# illustration
# drawing
# Oilpastel
# 일러스트
# 오일파스텔

1 รายการอื่นๆ