얼마전 새로찍은 프로필 사진을 보며..
2024년은 유독 일복 터지고, 인생에 한번 올까말까한 큰일들을 두번이나 겪으며, 올해는 바디프로필을 찍을 에너지와 시간이 도저히 없을거라 생각했던 나의 게으름을..
자극해주는 멋진 주변 사람들덕분에 볼때마다 감사함을 느낄 사진을 또한장 건졌다.
시작은 꼬였지만, 하루하루 열심히 잘 풀어나가 결국 목표한 바를 거의다 이루어낸 2024! 혹시 풀어야할 숙제가 남아있다면 두달 반동안 화이팅하시기를!
Looking at the new profile picture I took a while ago..
2024 was particularly difficult, and I've been going through some hard things. So in this year, I thought I would never have the energy and time to shoot a body profile..
Thanks to the wonderful people around me who stimulated me, now I have a picture that I would be grateful for every time I see it.
The start was a mess, but I did my best every day and finally achieved most of my goal in 2024! If you still have some homework to do, cheer up for two and a half months!