조회수 91


🤔 Have you ever imagined how was Gaudí's Childhood?

His delicate health forced him to spend long periods of rest at the family home, known as the "mas" of Riudoms or "mas" of the Caldera (a country house referred to as "Boiler" because his parents were boilermakers). During these periods of rest, contemplating nature was one of Gaudí's hobbies, as he considered it his great teacher and transmitter of knowledge. When he was old, he explained his quality of feeling because of that period:

🗣️ "I have that quality of feeling, of seeing space because I am the son of a boilermaker. The boilermaker is a man who from a surface makes a volume; he sees space before starting to work.", Antoni Gaudí

The Gaudí Foundation's team.

그외 11명

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